Friday, 27 January 2012


Hello Mummy's Girl Little-Secret. Oh my god, Im a Happy Girl right now. EXAMS OVER BABY! So as you can see, that's the evening make-up look i did on Lina Lee for my practical exam just now. & guess what? I managed to complete the look within an hour! Oh my god oh my god oh my god, i deserve a pat on my shoulder right? :D
Theory paper wasn't that hard too. Complete all the questions without any missing blanks at all. ;) Dear Mummy, you should be proud of me! So now you know that your thousand over dollars that you'd spend for my school and make-up stuff are not gone to waste right? Love you Mummy. :)

So tomorrow is the final thing i have to do. Which is? My Portfolio. Yes, portfolio. Im nervous but at the same time, im so excited about it. Will be doing a Day Bridal make-up look whereby my model will be wearing a wedding gown, Malay & Indian wedding Make-up, Fashion Make-up and of course Special Effect make-up. I'll pray hard so that i could finish up all the Make-up looks on time. Allah, please guide me through, Amin.

& Happy 18th Birthday to my beloved friend, Zaini, Kyrul and Kyril. Have a blast guys! To you baby, you owe me a song! Im still waiting you knooooow! I love you baby. Happy working. :) *flying kiss to you at Attica. xoxo

Thursday, 26 January 2012

A reply to yours Hunny-b

Assalamualaikum to the muslims and Hello to the non-muslims. So im back, updating my blog. Honestly, i dont feel like blogging today as im busy preparing for my Exam and Portfolio which would happen in 24hours but eventually i did cause im just touched with my bestfriend post in her blog. So this is for you hunny-b.

Hi Hunny-b. I miss you, SO MUCH. As much as i misses Ariff right now. Im sorry for being too emotional the other day. Well, we've been friends for more than 7 years now and i want you know that you're the best i ever had. I often heard the quote which says "friends come and go" but she didn't. She's THE ONLY ONE, who sticks with me through thick and thin. & i mean it, THE ONLY ONE. She's not only a bestfriend but more likely to be a mother to me. She'll nag and scold me if i did something wrong. & im fine with it. So baby, i, myself want you to know that nomatter how busy i am with life, you are still part of me. & i thank you for being there and giving helpful advises whenever im in need. Love you too hunny-b.

So i shall keep this post short cause im REALLY busy. I miss baby and i want to finish up whatever im doing right now and quickly wash up to meet him. Baby, wait for me ok? *cuteface with a cute voice* I love you. ^.^

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


So this would be Mummy's Girl Little-Secret first post . Its been so long since i last blogged. Just feel like making a new blog as i have the urge to share memorable and beautiful moments of my life with everyone.

Its 25th January 2012 and so far, life has been good to me. & yeah, the  picture up there is my boyfriend, Ariff Ithnin. Yes, MY BOYFRIEND, the love of my life and i am proud to have him. Eventhough we just got together, i believe we're gonna last-in Allah's will. He's the reason why i still believe in love. Life has been filled with rainbows when he enters mine. I can't deny that im attracted to him eversince we first met. Its was years back and i thought he will just remain as a crush, but i was wrong. Till today, i still can't believe that he's mine. This feels like fairytales. If you happened to read this hunny, i want you to know that I really love you so much. I appreciate the existence of you in my life. & i can't wait to meet you tomorrow and im looking forward to meet you the day after tomorrow. Everyday, if possible. Just so you know, I miss you right after you said the word 'goodbye' whenever we met hunny. Thanks for brightening up my life. Every 18th♥

Enough of my lovestory.

So, i just graduated from Cosmoprof Academy and im lovin' it. Took Dip in professional makeup artistry, a course that im into it unlike the course that i got into in ITE. So you see why i said that my life is so much beautiful now? Im so gonna miss class and the wonderful people there. Teachers and classmates has always been nice to me. Yes, graduated but exams will be in 2 days time and i swear, im not looking forward for it. I know, who the hell in this world who looks forward for exams right? & i have to face it. 2 days feels like 2 hours. Im not ready yet. Urgh! Mummy, help me!