Thursday, 23 February 2012

Live life

Its 23rd and it's honey-bee's 18th birthday. Ira's finally legal and i am truly happy for her. She has been my best eversince we're only 11? We will be celebrating her birthday this coming Saturday and i am so excited cause the people that i have not met for so long will be coming for her birthday chalet. I bet its gonna be fun catching up with those people. Happy Birthday Baby, your glorious day is up and mine will be in exactly 2 weeks! ;)
Oh, big brother asked me which perfume i like most yesterday! Im sure he's gonna buy me one for my birthday, so sureeee, 100% sure! Yipeeee!

So tomorrow, i have a job interview as a Make-up Artist and Beauty Advisor and i am so nervous! Wanie's gonna accompany and be my model for tomorrow. & i would like to show my utmost gratitude to of course, my honey-bee, Ira, for finding me someone to be my model for tomorrow. She has been helping and guiding me through till nothing, NOTHING in this world can repay everything that she had done for me. :') If i were to be a succesful person one day, she is one of the reason why. Thank you so much Baby.

Im just happy with my life now. Everyone has been good to me and i thank Allah for that. Im glad i don't have to face all the "two-faced" bitches anymore in my life. The small group of guy-friends that i am mixing with now is enough to make me happy. I wished to have alot of girlfriends but what for if we can't get along well and all they do is bitch and keep on bitching about each other's life?

I'm blessed to have my Mom, both my Brother, future sis-in-law, Ira and of course the love of my life-Ariff, right here by my side. I love you guys so much. May god have a bigger plans for all of us. Amin.


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sleep-less night

I had a sleepless night so i decided to update this fugly blog of mine.
I haven't been updating for pretty long. Cause reason, no.1: Im out of pictures to upload and no.2: I got nothing to share, i mean nothing special or memorable. This blog is created to remind myself of the memorable moments of my life in the first place. Now that i have something to say and new pictures to upload, why not?

So yesterday, I FINALLY went out with the love of my life, Ariff Ithnin. We went to Bugis and ate our dinner at Pastamania. Believe it or not, that's my very first time eating the food there. We didn't spend much time together cause he's actually rushing back but i still appreciate the quality time that we've spend, just the two of us. Im grateful and blessed to have him in my life.
What more can i ask for? Im happy with my life now. My lovely family, my only trusted girlfriend and my wonderful boyfriend is more than enough to complete my life. I have learned so much over the years. Over the so call "tempestuous" teenage years. I was stupid and i can't deny it in any ways. But all these things have taught me a very meaningful lesson in life. Alhamdulilah. Im much more mature now and can already think whats best for my life.
I had so much regrets and i wouldn't want to live with it throughout my whole life.

So back to where i was,

I met my girl before meeting Ariff yesterday. I am actually so excited for this upcoming event, which is her birthday. She actually told me how bad she wanted to wear a dress on her special and glorious day. A new dress. & I felt so bad cause i seriously got no idea where to grab a dress of her size. :( How i wish we both shared the same size and i can just simply lend her mine cause i've got lots and lots and lots of them and choose not to wear it. -.- I have always been crazy over dresses.

Oh, and theseeeee! ♥.♥

Im out of words. Till here.


Friday, 10 February 2012

My Sunshine

Meet my Lovely Boyfriend, Ariff Ithnin

I was browsing through Ariff's pictures in his Facebook and yes, i actually smiled to myself. I still can't believe that he's mine now. I mean, not rightfully mine but he's my boyfriend now you see. I've known him for like years? But we hardly talk to each other untill late last year? & we eventually became close and yes, untill one day, he texted and said that he loves me. :) Oh my god, this is like fairytales!
He's my textbuddy before, even now though and its funny how i started to love text messaging cause i used to hate it so much. My fingers are lazy to type words you see.  Not only that, im not good at asking questions. But whenever i receive his text, im overwhelmed and have like tons of questions to ask and this only happens to him. See how love actually changes people? ;)
I just love the way how we both actually acted more like a bestfriend. Im truly blessed to have him in my life. How patient he is by tolerating with my attitude nomatter how unreasonable i can get at times and how he accepts me for everything that i am.
"Hunny, you light up my world. I can't see myself with nobody else but you. Thank you for everything. I love you so much and i miss you so bad."

Hugs and Kisses

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wednesday, February 8.

GUESS WHAT?! IMRAN AJMAIN FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER. OMGGGGG! Obviously, im not the only one he followed but you see, he's an artist. & omg, he followed an ordinary girl like me? Okay, not a big deal but im still happy! I was like shouting out loud in my room when i received his follow request. Haha! WTH! Im not really a big fan of him actually. :D How i wish Taufik Batisah follow me on Twitter. :( Okay, whatever.

So i just came back from lunch with Ira. Its been a week or so since we last met. & yes, we had a super long conversation. The 3 hours talk wasn't enough for us though. I had like 1001 things to tell her but because she's not feeling well and felt exhausted as she just came back from school, we eventually went home earlier. We talked about soooooo much things. From Love to Family, Friends, upcoming Birthdays, Childhood moments etc. Oh my god, i just can't believe that im turning 18 this March. So old, TOO OLD.

& yesterday, i didn't get to meet Ariff. He actually overslept and woke up late. Was so dissapointed but yeah, things doesn't always go smoothly like we wants it to be right? So i met Hairul Nizam instead. Accompany him for his late dinner and we had a long conversation till about 2am. By then, Ariff is already awake. I told him that i went out with Hairul and he actually ask me to go back earlier but i refused. Im a very bad gf. :( Sorry baby, i promise i won't do it again. Please don't be angry with your sweet little gf here alright? *puppy eyes* TEEEEHEEEEE. :P Love you sweetheart. :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Assalamualaikum. :) Im fuxxxxxxking bored and decided to update my blog rather than wasting my time on twitter or facebook. So im now on my bed while typing this in my favourite polka dot pyjamas with my unkempt hair. Oh my God, there's so many stuffs that i want and need to buy on my list. Back to make-up products, facial care products, dresses, platforms etc. & also, to get my hair black! The colour is fading and i hate it. $.$ If only dollar notes came from leaves and grasses. :( I need to get a job immediately after getting my cert in a week's time. Any job that's halal and suits me. I don't mind working for long hours and have only a day off in a week as long as im paid with very good salary you see. Im slowly rotting at home now, im desperate, I NEED A JOB. :/
Meeting Ariff in awhile and i can't wait! It seems like forever since i last met him. But i guess, he's still sleeping peacefully. Tsk, Baby please wake up! I want to meet you nooooow!
So again,  Its funny how Mommy actually allows me to go out and stays at very late hours these days. Im gaining her trust back, and im glad. Alhamdulilah, she accepted Ariff' as my boyfriend. I just can't wait till the day whereby Ariff will be rightfully mine, Insyallah. :)


Missing You Everyday

Hello World! So, i finally got to meet Ariff after 4 billion years! He has been busy working these days. Hate the fact that Ariff's getting thiner after working as a bartender. Tsk. :( So anyway, I just can't describe how i felt at that point of time when he fetched me at my place. Actually, i love to give him the "i don't miss you" look but deep inside, i feel like running to him and hug him tight! Its weird that i don't have the guts to do that. I feel so shy whenever im with him, and i just don't know why. Maybe because we just got together less than a month? & im still trying to adapt with our changes? I mean he's now the love of my life and not any ordinary friend whom i used to hang out with you see. Oh Hunny, im in love with you!

Life's been so much better eversince i broke up from my ex. Ariff just brighten everything up. He blew me away with just the smallest and simplest thing. I love you baby. Thank you for entering my life and showering me with your love. xoxo


Sunday, 5 February 2012


Hello bloggers. So im back here updating Mummy's Girl Little Secret. Have been busy these days till i got no time to even update the pictures i did for my portfolio. Well, it was fun actually doing makeup with the rest of my classmates and getting to know each other models but at the same time, it was super tiring and exhausting! Honestly, i don't think i did well especially for the fashion makeup but i think its fine, cause im still learning right? Im gaining experience by this. Slightly upset with myself cause of the time management. Nevertheless, i still managed to finish up the whole 5 looks that have to be done on that day for the photoshoots and im proud of myself. :)

So here is some of the pictures i took on that day. Camera quality isn't that good actually, but who cares right? :D